Prices and Payments

Payment methods, discount codes, VIES and payment problems

Find out the most frequently asked questions about payment methods, the VIES (electronic VAT data exchange system between EU countries) and how to settle an unpaid order

Our website accepts payments by credit cards, PayPal and bank transfer paid in advance. If you want to pay by bank transfer, we ask you to send us a receipt of payment to so that we can prepare your order as soon as possible!

To complete the transaction, go to the "Orders" section of your account and click on "Complete payment". If you encounter any further problems, please email us at

You can find our currently valid discount codes in our Home Page. To benefit from the discounts at the time of order you must enter the code in the corresponding box. The discount is applied only on the value of the material, not on the VAT neither on the expenses of transport, as indicated on the web.

For the issue of the invoice without VAT for purchases outside Italy, it is necessary to have a VAT ID entered in the Electronic System for the exchange of VAT data between EU countries (VIES: VAT Information Exchange System).
You can check the validity of a VAT number for the VIES at the official website of the European Commission (

VIES is an electronic tool for validating the VAT number of economic operators registered in the EU for cross-border transactions in goods and services.

The registration to the VIES list is free of charge and can be made directly by the taxpayer, online on the website of the Revenue Agency, provided the taxpayer is enabled to Fisconline or Entratel. Alternatively, contact your accountant for more information.

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